Demand to Work from Home using Cloud Desktops grows with COVID-19

Cloud Desktops

Cloud Desktop as a service is a simple and affordable way businesses can offer a work from home solution to staff.

With the COIVID-19 Pandemic, companies and employees are looking for the ability to work from home.  They key is prevention.  Having a secure and effective work from home solution available to staff before there is an infection at the office is the best way to protect the interests of the company, its staff, and the community.

Large tech companies have already taken this step.  Twitter has mandated that all 5000 employees worldwide work from home during the crisis.  Google has asked North American employees to work from home for at least a month.  And the Canadian technology company Verafin has asked their employees to work remotely.

For these large tech companies, the move is relatively easy.  They already have a work at home solution in place for most of their employees and the financial and technical resources to move quickly.  But what about small and medium-sized companies with fewer IT resources that have not already made the leap to mobile-friendly cloud-based IT solutions.

What if your employees can’t securely and productively work from home? What if business-critical applications and files are locked behind the corporate firewall.  How do you provide remote access without compromising security?  How do you isolate your business from the threats posed by home computers and home networks?

Overnight business applications and data can be migrated to the cloud.

The answer for many companies in this situation is a quick transition to Cloud Desktops or Desktop as a Service (DaaS).  Overnight, business applications and data can be migrated from the back office and hosted in a top-tier datacenter where they can be accessed from home as easily and securely as working from their office workstation.  It doesn’t matter what Microsoft, Apple, or Android devices they use, or from where.  If they have an internet connection, they can securely access their business applications and files on a Windows 10 desktop via a web browser or remote client.  Everything stays safe within a top-tier datacenter with multiple layers of security and redundancy.

The solution is also scalable and easy to use.  Simply add or remove users when needed.  No technical resources are needed to get set up or maintain the service.  There is virtually no down time to get working remotely.  After signing up, users are most often logging in to their cloud desktop from home the next day with full access to their business applications and files.

To get started with Cloud Desktops go here.

For more about Concero security and compliance go here.


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